ISO Consultant in Coimbatore

ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization. ISO certification not only helps boost your business quality but also enhances the overall potency of the business. ISO is an independent organisation giving standards for the quality, safety, and efficiency of various products and services businesses offer. Since the competition is increasing among businesses, it’s always important to deliver top-quality commodities and services to sustain within the market. That is why your business needs ISO certification and an ISO Consultant in Coimbatore can help you with comprehensive guidance and support in this regard.

Choose The Right Types of ISO Standards in Coimbatore

ISO 9001 – Quality Management System

ISO 45001 – Occupational Health & Safety Management System

ISO 27001 – Information Security Management System

ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System

ISO 29990 – Learning Services for Non-formal Education and Training

ISO 22000 – Food Safety Management

ISO 50001 – Energy Management

ISO 20000-1 – IT Service Management System

Determining the Cost of ISO Certification

There is no fixed cost of getting ISO certification and it fluctuates from business to business depending on various factors. Various parameters that are considered relevant in determining the price are:

  • The size of the business/ organization
  • Number of employees
  • Number of Procedures
  • Level of associated hazard
  • The framework of Administration
  • The workload

ISO Certification Processing Time

The time taken to finish the whole process of ISO certification also differs from business to business. A reasonable outline can be given by an ISO Consultant in Coimbatore by surveying the size of the organization. However, for the most part, the required time to finish the process of ISO certification is:

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2-3 months for Small Enterprises

3-6 months Medium Enterprises

6-12 months Large Enterprises

Procedure for ISO Certification

1. Make an application/contract

Once the ISO standard is selected, the registrar and the applicant should agree on a contract that contains the rights and obligations of both parties and also includes confidentiality, liability issues, as well as access rights.

2. Quality Documents Review

The ISO registrar will see all your quality manuals and reports to recognize the potential flaws against the requirements stipulated in the ISO standards.

3. Make an Action Plan

After the current holes in your association are conveyed, you should set up an activity to take out those holes.

4. Certification Audit

Initial ISO Certification audits are partitioned into two classifications: Stage 1 (Onsite Audit) and Stage 2 (Final Audit).

5. Finishing the ISO Certification

After all the flaws are reviewed and every discovery is submitted in the Final ISO Audit report, the ISO registrar will grant the ISO certification.

If you have any confusion in this regard, contact an ISO Consultant in Coimbatore. From a basic consultation, throughout every single step of the certification process to offering you the certificate, they will help you from the beginning to the end.

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