Person having salary income from single employer and having other incomes.
File Your Income Tax Return Online with Legal Hub India
💯% Dedicated Expert ✅ End-to-end filing support 😀 Tax Savings Recommendations ✅ Error Free Return ✅ Less Chances of Notice
Person having income from business or profession under section 44AD or 44ADA can file Income Tax Return Online for Business or Profession. This plan includes other incomes (i.e. Saving Interests, FDR Interests, Commission, Brokerage, etc.)
Persons having income tax return filing online for Capital Gain can select this option to submit their ITR online. Capital Gain includes (Capital gain from property, gold, shares, short term and long term capital gain).
How we work?
Submit your details and proceed for payment.
You will get a call from our Tax Expert.
Documentation done by our online ITR filing expert team
Error-free online ITR file computation is done by our expert.
Confirmation of details and filing for returns.
File the ITR and provide the acknowledgement.